Hey bud, we haven’t “talk” for a while.
“De-pause” was used for the title not because I try to invent a new word but rather an attempt to use English properly. According to this unofficial source of reference, while “un-” is you to denotes an undo-ment of an action, “de-” is to reverse its effect. Knowing that I’m not able to the past and undo the pause, “de-” seems like the only option. We’ll start to reboot it back gradually.
If we’re in near friendship proximity, you would know that aside from TagHub, I pursue another full-time job professionally. That’s not an excuse but rather an announcement, that we’ll be moving at a slower rate. The good news: it’s a short term setback for longer goals.
Kudos to our frontend developer
During my last busy week of new job settlement, Bach - our frontend ninja still relentlessly worked on developing our app’s frontend. He has finished drafting the user for viewing and editing dataset:
Good job Bach, you’re the best.
Narrow down feature scopes
“Newton’s third law – the only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind.”
I watched Interstellar recently (for the second time), one of the triple A movie about galactic exploration, I learned the importance of leaving things behind (or a better saying for that: postpone the minors for later)
It’s good that we start with impressive (and unachievable) goals at first, at least we have a lot of ideas in the bank. What matters is that we can break it into smaller chunks to easily swallow in short term period. We came down to only two types of chart in the first release:
- Sentiment by rate
- Sentiment by date
Mock APIs
The frontend recently is moving too fast, so fast that our product and backend side are causing this bottleneck to the frontend. Because of that, Bach is currently creating these Mock APIs (a.k.a fake api response) to test the frontend. Well it’s not bad thing but rather a revolutionary kind of step to take.
We agreed on allowing the frontend to use whatever API interface we want at first to flexibly design the UI without any blockers. Then after the frontend and product team settle with the user interface, we’ll move forward to write real backend APIs.
Outro: timing
It’s almost 10 days since my last post, but why “day 11-15”? It’s because only half of the team is working. Please take that as my honest confession.
Until next time..